The Navigation sidebar allows you to view a quick overview of scenes, beats, small previews of those scenes, the ability to filter the scene and beats by a storyline, characters, and locations, and easy access to the beat inbox. From here, you can reorder scenes and their attached text, as well as assign beats to sections of your script.
Navigation Sidebar with the beat, scene, and preview toggles enabled
1. Show/Hide Beats
This button allows you to toggle the ability to see your individual beats as well as your act structure. Once toggled off, it will the beats will disappear from the sidebar. When toggled on, you can also drag and drop the beats onto the script to assign them to a specific section of your script for easy maneuvering.
2. Show/Hide Scenes
This button allows you to toggle the ability to see your individual scenes in the sidebar, denoted by the slugline of the scene. You can also drag the scene amidst your beats, moving where it is in your script with ease.
3. Show/Hide Previews
This button toggles the ability to see small previews of your scenes in the sidebar if toggled.
4. Filter
This allows you to filter your beats and scenes by various filters- storyline, characters, and locations. This will grey out any beats or scenes that do not match the current filter.
5. Inbox
This button allows direct access to the beat inbox, where any extra beats that have been moved there (not in the script) are stored.
6. Numbers
This button will bring you to the advanced formatting screen, allowing easy access to the scene/dialog numbers screen.